
May 4, 2020

An international partnership of five organisations come together to develop “ISSA”, an EU funded project focused on supporting the internationalisation process for start-ups and entrepreneurs

Since October 2019, five entities coming from Norway, Spain, Cyprus, Greece and Bulgaria are working on the Erasmus+ project ISSA - " Internationalization for Social and Innovative Start Up's and Entrepreneurs" is an Erasmus+ project designed to identify core and innovative learning methods that best encourage success in international activities for start-ups and entrepreneurs". Under the coordination of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the partnership will strive to identify core and innovative learning methods that best encourage success in international activities for start-ups and entrepreneurs. After the two years of duration of the project, the consortium of ISSA expects to contribute to solve the special needs of start-ups and entrepreneurs by designing and making available an innovative self-training modules and virtual learning platform.

Currently, the partnership of the project is working on field research and analysing the competences of the social entrepreneurs in order to identify the training content. The EntreComp framework (Bacigalupo et al., 2016) serves as a foundation for the competences included in the ISSA project, both by using two of its competences and by adapting the framework in the presentation of the social competences applied in the project. This document therefore refers to a large degree to the work by Bacigalupo and colleagues (2016), and a more thorough presentation of the framework is found in their report.

From the field research report conducted by ISSA, the following four competences were identified as the most prominent for social entrepreneurs in an internationalisation process:

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