

Project Summary:

Over the past few decades, increased urbanization for tourism and recreational purposes has led to a global decline in coastal dune ecosystems. In particular, activities associated with tourism, such as dune reshaping or flattening, beach cleaning, motor vehicle traffic, and trampling are threats that cause serious environmental degradation. Additionally, the state of wellness of these ecosystems is significantly impacted by pollution and climate change. In an analogous way the inflow of fertilizers and other nutrients through runoff can change the chemical profile of coastal dunes and diminish their biodiversity.

The PREBIODUNES project will:

The results of these actions will contribute to:

Project Title: PREserving BIOdiversity in coastal DUNEs from tourism pressure

Project Acronym: PREBIODUNES

Programme priority: Supporting a greener and climate resilient Adriatic - Ionian region

Specific objective: SO 2.3: Supporting environment preservation and protection in the Adriatic - Ionian region

Duration: 36 months

Cross-Border Cooperation Program: Interreg VI-B IPA Adriatic Ionian Cooperation Programme 2021-2027

Project Budget: €1,737,290.81


  1. Polytechnic University of Bari - DICATECh (Lead Partner) - Italy
  2. Municipality of Gallipoli - Italy
  3. Municipality of Preveza - Greece
  4. Institute of Computer Technology and Press "Diophantus" - Greece
  5. Organic Agriculture Association - Albania
  6. University of Rijeka, Department of Biotechnology - Croatia
  7. Go Green Studio sh.p.k - Albania
  8. Public Institution University of Montenegro - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Montenegro
  9. Environmental Protection Agency - Montenegro
  10. Hydro-Engineering Institute Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina