
Proactive Human Response to Wildfires Outbreak: Measure and Prepare for it - PRoMPt

The project «PRoMPt: Proactive Human Response to Wildfires Outbreak - Measure and Prepare for it», with a total budget of € 1.517.423, included in the partnership, the Department of Telematics and Regional Development, which is sector of CTI "DIOPHANTUS" COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE & PRESS.

PRoMPt is a project under EU INTERREG IVC initiative, aimed to develop cooperation between Local and Regional Authorities across EU, for exchange of experiences and best practices in the field of efficiently response on forest fires, immediately after their outbreak.

CTI "DIOPHANTUS" COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE & PRESS contributed to the objectives of the project, with the development and operation of an innovative pilot alert system for immediate, safe and proper information of stakeholders and the population might be in the area of disaster. This system, was tested in simulation exercises during the second phase of the project in Greece and the other EU participating countries, in order to identify any weaknesses in the design and then proceed in the necessary improvements.

The participation of the CTI "DIOPHANTUS" COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE & PRESS to the management of such crisis simulations in the past years, is a valuable experience and the cooperation in crisis management with Greek and other EU countries organizations, under ProMPt, will extend its expertise in this critical subject.

The project partners that worked together in the 3 years implementation, were coming from countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria and Poland, whose experience in the implementation of such policies on environmental protection and risk management on wildfires cases, is high.

The Greek partnership group included Region of Western Greece involves (as lead partner), the CTI "DIOPHANTUS" COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE & PRESS, the Industrial Systems Institute (INVIS) and the Municipality of Diakofto.